All tagged Profile

Grace Neutral and Viceland

(First published in Skin Deep, issue 275. Republished in INKED, issue 45) Ahead of VICELAND’s 2017 series, Needles and Pins, Grace talks about her experiences in front of the lens.

Anthropomorphic Curiosities

(Things & Ink, issue 10, republished in INKED magazine, issue 31) "If taxidermy is made into art for art’s sake, there is still the beauty and appreciation of the animal and the art, so it really isn’t for nothing."

Tattooing in Australian Prisons

(Things & Ink, issue 7. Republished in INKED, issue 28) “It’s another world in prison, there’s dos and don’ts out here, and then there’s dos and don’ts in there. I used to just go with the flow, and do tattoos.”